Active Retirement Group
Kilmore active Retirement was set up in December 2011 as a result of their being a need for something positive for older retired people to engage in apart from sitting in the corner looking at a box. The objectives of this national organisation are “to provide a focal point for active people who are retired or semi-retired in the 55 plus age group. To meet and engage in educational, cultural, sporting and social activities”. With these objectives in mind the group set about a programme of activities for their membership which has been consistent at 35 in our first two years of affiliation, a number which is most satisfactory for a rural area. The Stella Maris Centre provides an excellent facility for the group’s indoor sports activity, with indoor bowls, skittles, lobbers and horseshoes which are played over the late autumn, winter and early spring months not to mention card and board games, and computer courses. The centre has also hosted the group’s Christmas lunch and social.
Crafts Group
The Crafts Group which has 20 members was formed in 2008 and meets weekly in the Stella Maris Centre. The first project featured flags depicting buildings and events from the area. Additionally a number of other projects have been completed and the current ongoing project is a Wall Hanging montage of key features of the village and the immediate area. The group meets in the Centre on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm.

It all began on the 18th November, 1964 when a group of Kilmore women came together to form a guild within the Wexford branch of the Irish Countrywomen’s Association. Among the founder members of the village and the immediate area were Bella Winters, Kathleen Moore, Tilly O’Flaherty, and Mary Scallan, who are still members to this day. On February 8th 1967 our guild moved to the original Stella Maris Community Hall, in Kilmore Quay. During the 1990’s our guild met in one of our member’s houses for ten months while the old hall was being demolished to make way for the New Stella Maris Centre. Once the Centre re-opened, we soon settled in to our new home where we have been ever since. From the very beginning our greatest pleasure was our craftwork, sharing our skills with each other and local primary school children but we have also taken on new ventures such as IT courses. One of the most important events of the year is our five-day tour. Over the years we have travelled the length and breadth of Ireland. Another highlight of our guild year is the annual Kilmore Quay Seafood festival. At present we are a very strong and vibrant guild, and we hope that in future years our I.C.A. guild will be as strong as it has been for the past forty-nine years. We look forward to November 2014, when we will celebrate 50 years of participation in the life of the Kilmore Quay Community. Contact Eileen Creevy 053 912 9751
Quay Notes World Music Community Choir
The Quay Notes World Music Community Choir meets Mondays at 7.15pm. New members welcome. Contact Elena on 089 449 2399.

Sunshine Club
Our Sunshine Club was established in the Centre 25 years ago. The Club meets at the Stella Maris Centre every Thursday afternoon. This is a chance for the elderly people in the community to meet up and have a cup of tea and a chat with their friends. A game of bingo or cards and sometimes some knitting are just a few of the acitivities that take place. Every week two volunteers go in to help out at the club. A bus service is put on to collect the Sun Shiners from their homes to drop them to the Club and collect them in the evening to return home.