Fun for all the family. Starting at the Coast Hotel this grand parade will pass through the village. Red Moon Theatre will give a Spectacular Display of their artwork and they will be followed by representatives from local groups, clubs and associations.
Our parade Grand Marshall is Peter Moran. Members of the New Ross and District Pipe Band (World/Scottish and All Ireland Pipe Band Champions) will pipe the parade from the Saltee Coast Hotel to the harbour where this year’s festival will be officially opened by Chef Nicky Cullen.
Performing at the marina will be the Becky Sheil School of Dance students and The Carrig-on-Bannow Mummers.
The newly formed mumming group will be a full set of 12, accompanied by renowned musicians John Murphy (harmonica), Dermot Wall (fiddle), Alan O’Dwyer (banjo) and Ryan Stafford (button accordion). The group formed last year and have been recorded by TG4 and will appear during Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann in August on Fleadh TV.
Date: Thursday 11th - Sunday 14th
Time: During Stella Maris Centre Opening Hours
Venue: Stella Maris Centre
Other: Free Admission